How To Make Sure Your Hair Extensions Blend Naturally Into Your Hair
When you're wearing hair extensions, you want people to look at you and think, "Wow, she has nice hair," not "Wow, she's wearing hair extensions." You've probably seen some examples of extensions that do not blend well -- perhaps you've even worn poorly blending extensions yourself -- and that's the look you want to avoid. Here are some tips you can follow to ensure your hair extensions blend naturally into your hair.
1. Choose extensions made from natural hair.
Artificial hair extensions are less expensive, and they may look pretty convincing when they are brand-new. But once you wash them a few times or take a straightening iron to them, it will become obvious why they were so cheap: they'll start to split and become fuzzy. Extensions made from natural hair cost more, but they also continue to look natural for years on end if you're kind to them. They're well worth the extra investment.
2. Clip them in diagonally.
Especially if you have layered hair, you will want to clip your extensions in at an angle rather than straight across your scalp. This will make the extensions appear a little longer in the back than in front, which is much more natural-looking. If you use multiple extensions on one side of your head, layer the bottom ones slightly further towards the back than the top ones to produce a natural flow.
3. Have them dyed to match.
You can shop and shop for extensions that match your hair color, but you're unlikely to find a perfect match. A better approach is to take your extensions to your hair stylist and have them specially dye the extensions to match your hair. They may want to redye your own hair, too, at the same time to guarantee an exact match.
4. Curl the extensions a day before you plan on wearing them.
This tip mostly applies if you have extensions that you only wear on special occasions. Try curling them on the extension holder a day before the event rather than curling them on your head right before you head out. Curling them on the holder makes it easier to see what you are doing, and it gives the curls a little time to loosen and appear more natural before you clip them in.
With the tips above, your extensions will look less like an accessory and more like part of your natural hair. For more resources and information about hair extensions, visit a site such as