Looking For Inexpensive Massages Without Sacrificing Quality? Here Are Some Ideas
If you enjoy getting massages but want to keep the cost of doing so as low as possible, you may be tempted to look for a cut-rate clinic. This approach, however, isn't necessarily the best idea. A better idea is to consider the many ways that you can enjoy a high-quality massage but at a highly affordable rate. Here are three options that you can pursue.
Schedule A Massage With A Student
If you have a community college or other post-secondary institute in your area that has a massage school, you may be able to get your treatments from a student without having to pay very much. Contact the school and find out if this service is available — in many cases, you'll find that it is. Massage students often have to perform a certain number of hours' worth of treatments to complete their education, and members of the community can book sessions to help students achieve this goal. Having a student massage you is advantageous because his or her skills are sharp, and teachers will often drop in to observe the massage and ensure it's going well.
Look For An Established Therapist Expanding His/Her Repertoire
Similarly, you may be able to find a low-cost massage by checking with some experienced massage therapists in your community. If a therapist is training in a different type of massage — for example, Thai massage — he or she may have to see a certain number of clients in order to complete the program. This is different than visiting a massage school, as an established therapist may work out of their home or a clinic and charges full price for his or her treatments. However, for the treatments that the therapist needs to perform to complete his or her education, a lower price will often be charged.
Find A New Job
Changing careers to spend less on your massages might seem a little drastic, but it's worth exploring — especially if you're not happy with your current job and have already thought of making a change. Many companies offer comprehensive health benefits that cover some of the cost of massages for their employees. For example, if you're employed at a company with such a package, you might have to pay just a small percentage of the actual cost of the treatment, and your health benefits will pay for the rest.
For more information on how to find a good massage therapist, contact a location like Deluxe Spa.